This Summer we went to Devils Head to go camping and for a hike. We are still novices at this whole camping thing but we really enjoy it so I am sure we will become pros by time we are done getting 4 boys their Eagle Scout awards. We headed up on a Tuesday afternoon and set up camp. We just did the bare necessities for food, hot dogs roasted over the fire, chips, pop and for dessert, Smores and roasted starbursts! We explored the area and went on a few walks. That night as we sat around the fire we played 20 questions and then I just asked the boys get to know you questions like favorite movie, vacation etc. We slept pretty well that night it was pretty warm and then we woke up and had breakfast and went to go hike Devils Head. It is a pretty good little hike. It is 3 miles round trip but the first half is pretty much straight up hill (at least it seemed like it with a 5 and 3 year old walking the whole thing!) All in all the boys did pretty good and when we got to the top, there was about 150 steps and then you reached an old Fire Tower that you could see out like 100 miles each way. It was beautiful! The hike down was much easier and I kept the boys entertained by telling them Club Penguin stories.
Decmber 2020 - Merry Christmas!
3 years ago
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