In September we got tickets to the Air Show down in Colorado Springs. I thought it would be fun for the boys to go and see all the planes. We ended up getting there late due to Caleb's football game, and Brock not feeling 100%. Plus once we got there we saw all these buses that we thought were tour busses dropping people off. Little did we realize until we were well on our 1 mile hike to the air field that they were buses to shuttle people to the air field. So by time we got there the boys were tired and hot. We promised them a ride on the bus back but the wait was like an hour and it was like a 15 minute walk so they were out of luck and we made the trek back to the car. We only got to see a few of the acts but they were pretty cool. They had a tonm of vechiles that the kids could lcimb all over and inside. Cooper and Brock had a blast doing that. It was a fun thing to experience as a family and give us a little bit more appreciation for what the men and women who serve our country do!
In September we were lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa Vegas come and visit us for a few days. It was so much fun to show them our home, town we live in, and the boys school.
It was a relaxing visit. We hung out and visited most of the time. Cooper and Brock "helped" Grandma learn how to use her apps on her iphone. They played cars and trains, Cole learned how to to do headstand, we watched Caleb's football game, and Grandpa's favorite part, we drove down to Colorado Springs and had Rudy's BBQ.
We learned the secret to Grandpa's happiness while he was here, Rudy's BBQ, Pepsi and Murder She Wrote on Netflix!! Over all it was a short but nice and relaxing trip!